Zu Zweit by DIGITALmusikanten - 989Records

DIGITALmusikanten – Zu Zweit


Artist: DIGITALmusikanten 
Title: Zu Zweit 
Genre: Techno 
Label: 989 Records 

Release Info  
After spending most of their time at various festivals like Airbeat One, Nature One, Ruhr in Love, and many more this year, DIGITALmusikanten finally found time to complete their current production pool with a variety of punching, minimal and techy tunes. Fresh and unleashed from their ‘BunkerStudios!’ they pushed their music to sizzling moments of euphoria and climaxes that take the listener to the next level. These tracks have already been the reason for huge feedback in the community and they are now ready for your bag as a secret weapon!
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